




1: 名無しさん@涙目です。(茨城県) [US] 2017/12/06(水) 20:26:14.06 ID:cl4w6XvD0● BE:284093282-2BP(2000)
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King of their very own castle: 6,500 strangers scrape together 500,000 euros to buy and restore crumbling one-time party palace in French

The Mothe-Chandeniers chateau in Les Trois-Moutiers had fallen into disrepair
Following an internet campaign, 6,500 strangers clubbed together to buy it
They hope to save the castle from demolition and restore it to former glories

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5148885/Strangers-club-buy-crumbling-French-castle.html#ixzz50Tc3Bt2f
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